About Us

Phone: 403-887-5766, 587-815-5818
Email: office@sylvanmeadowsadventistschool.ca

Sylvan Meadows Adventist School is a K-9 school operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to provide quality education in a spiritually oriented environment.  We offer:

· Alberta Curriculum

· Caring teachers 

· Small Class Sizes

· Beautiful and peaceful country setting

· Affordable education with no tuition fees






Christopher Dubyna

Position: Administrator of Mirco-Schools AB SDA Conference

Email: cdubyna@albertasdaedu.org 







Raene Bell 

Position: 7-9  Teacher (Interim Head Teacher)

Email: raene.bell@sylvanmeadowsadventistschool.ca









Scarlet Esperidion

Position: k-6 Teacher 

Email: sesperidion@sylvanmeadowsadventistschool.ca








Catherine Rosengren

Position: 4-6  Math, LA, & Social Studies Teacher 

Email: crosengren@sylvanmeadowsadventistschool.ca





Samantha Elias

Position: K-4 Head Teacher (Maternity Leave)

Email: sam.elias@sylvanmeadowsadventistschool.ca





Mission Statement
The Sylvan Meadows Adventist School family exists to show children Jesus, nurture their love for Him and others, teach them to think, and empower them to serve.


Our Mission is to use the Bible and it’s principles to equip students for a life of service.


Our Vision is to inspire students to:

· Build a personal relationship with Jesus Christ

· Pursue academic excellence

· Develop positive social relationships

· Learn practical life skills

· Achieve an optimum level of physical health

...with the intent of enabling them to share with others the hope of Christ’s expected return.


Our Philosophy

The Sylvan Meadows Adventist School is operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to provide a spiritually oriented education for children. A belief in the existence of the Creator God is fundamental in the philosophy of Seventh-day Adventist schools. We respect His divine authority and recognize His intervention in human affairs. We believe that true education develops the spiritual, mental, and physical powers of each student; preparing them for the joy of service in this life and for the higher joy of service in the life to come. To achieve this goal, we encourage each student to:

  • develop a personal relationship with God and his fellow men as stated in Matthew 2:37-39
  • master the basic academic skills
  • value labor, physical and mental, as the blessing God intended
  • cultivate physical fitness, mental ability, and moral purity as the blessing God intended.

The Sylvan Meadows Adventist School is operated in harmony with the guidance and direction of the Office of Education, North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.